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The Three phases of SIRS

Teachers Phase
Administration Phase
Reporting Phase

The reporting system can be broken down in to three phases. Each phase has areas of functionality that have been researched and automated to make for an easy, fast and reliable reporting process - year after year.

Teachers Phase

Modern teachers simply do not have the time to fiddle around with administration tasks or the desire to adapt to continuingly changing reporting systems that:

• Are at best poorly designed.
• Confusingly laid out.
• Constantly changes, therefore;
• Requires a steep learning curve every year.
• Allow the adventurous into parts of the program they shouldn’t be in and therefore…Break easily
• Are unable to tell the parent the gender of their child.
• Have difficulty informing the parent their child is unique.
• Claim to be automated even though they require hours of cutting and pasting statements into a word processor at a later date to get the   promised ‘Personalised touch’.

Take the pain and hours of work out of creating a class report. SIRS offers a one stop solution to reporting that requires you use no other program at a later date. Once the data is entered it remains. A completely customisable statement bank not only means the fast production of reports it also means that students can be referred to as individuals so parents know that the report in front of them is about their child. A well designed graphical user interface will prevent the need for costly specialised training. Deployment across a network coupled with internet access from home means it has never been easier for a teacher to complete their reports at their own leisure.

Administration Phase

Often, in an attempt to reduce the workload of a teacher, more and more work is dumped at the doors of a school's administration department. SIRS has been designed to make the administration's life as easy as it is possible to do so because like teachers they too have more things to do than type and print report after report.

The input of data from local government databases has been largely automated and it is possible, through CSV files, to take data from a variety of different sources and populate the SIRS database. Most of the mundane tasks associated with data entry have been streamlined by highly functional and well designed wizards so as little time as possible is consumed by repetitive and mundane tasks.

SIRS has been designed to give administration ultimate control over the entire reporting procedure so that when that time of year creeps around again they know they will be in the driving seat:

• SIRS tells administration which class reports are ready to be printed, which teachers have not started their reports and which teachers    have made a start to a classes reports but have not finished them thus easing the process of ensuring all reports are ready by the deadline.
• Previous years reports or duplicate reports can be retrieved and printed at the click of a button with no need to wade through endless paper    based or word processed documents.
• Printing is a painless experience and is flexible in that it can be used to print a batch of one hundred or just one report.

The Reporting strategy phase

The management of the reporting process is an ever-progressing role and so it is reassuring to know that SIRS has allowed for this by providing stability in an ever changing environment. Whoever is in control of the strategic development of a schools reporting process can know that SIRS is there to help them by providing;

• An easy to use and completely customisable report template creation utility which, by using the power of Microsoft Word, provides for a professional report individually tailored to your school.
• A reporting system that can show analysis of a student’s progress across a range of subjects and even show the progress they have made over a number of years.
• A complete automated solution for the reporting needs of a school that will not need to be updated every year with the next costly version.
• A friendly, flexible package that is not storage hungry and won’t require costly upgrades to hardware when years worth of data is entered in to it compared to ICT based solutions that save word processed documents.

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